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Sunday, July 19, 2015

QRP works!

Again, before you go any further: QRP works! While 10W output may not seem like a lot of power, many GenesisRadio owners have made hundreds and even thousands of contacts with their QRP transceivers running just 5 Watts or less. YU1WC worked 199 DXCC countries with only 5W and vertical antenna - and all of them on 40m band! In just 3 months I've worked 78 DXCC countries on 20m band. Yes, 3 element Yagi certainly helped a lot, but with bit of skills and patience you too can easily work your DXCC. Digital modes like JT65 are designed for low power users. When the band is open, you can work DX stations with just a few hundred of milliwatts. The good old Morse code will allow you to work rare ones and long distance contacts on daily basis. QRP DXing is possible on phone too: one of my most memorable contacts is with OX2A in Greenland on 40m band during a very brief opening! As they say - timing is everything! Never underestimate the power of QRP!

Here is the snapshot of a busy 20m band with many CW, WSPR, PSK, JT65 and other digital mode signals, as seen at my location, in Australia.

Here is another snap of JT65 contact with T30RG from Kiribati who answered my CQ call (and made my day!).

This is a typical log entry on a good day: all contacts were DX , long path to Europe on 20m CW. At times I even had a moderate pile-up!

Build your own QRP radio, learn about SDR and then have as much fun on-air as you can = the ultimate enjoyment of amateur radio.

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