
Should you wish to follow the G11 'do it yourself' project from the very beginning, then please start reading the oldest posts first. They are located in the Blog Archive.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Installation of GSDR software and FIRMWARE upload

If you haven't installed the GSDR software then now is the time to install it.

It is a good idea to start with a 'fresh installation'.
Create a folder GSDR C:\GSDR
The software consists of two files:Installation file and Latest update
Download Installation .zip, save it in C:\GSDR and unzip it. Then download update .zip in same directory. Unzip it, and overwrite any files when asked.

You should see the following files:

Click on Genesis.exe to launch the application.

Installation process will start with fftw 'wisdom'. Allow it to run.


1. The very first step is to disconnect and unplug G11 board.
2. Make a "PLUG". Simply solder ground, tip and ring of a 3.5mm stereo jack.

(You can also use for the low-impedance headphones for the same purpose).


In preparation phase you need to get the G11 micro-controller into BOOT mode. Please follow the steps in exact order.

1. connect the USB cable
2. insert the "PLUG" into J2U Paddle connector
3. power up G11 board.

4. after 10 seconds, pull out the "PLUG".

G11 board is now in BOOT mode.

NOTE: DO NOT disconnect power or USB cable. Proceed on while leaving the G11 board powered-up and USB cable connected.

Firmware load

Go to C:\GSDR then into G11 software folder.

This folder contains
- firmware BIN file
- application called G11 FlashProgrammer.

Start FlashProgrammer.

1 .Check the connection status (it should say Connected!).

2. Click ERASE Firmware, then

3. Click WRITE Firmware.

If the loading is successful, the Firmware version and News Firmware version should both be v.0.1.4.

You can now write your G11 serial number. Any number would do at this stage.

Close and exit FlashProgrammer.

Firmware load is now completed.

Frimware check

Start GSDR, go to "About" tab.

If loaded correctly, the "About" window should look like this:

With GSDR software installed on your PC and firmware loaded to G11 board, you can now proceed with assembly.

Next phase: local oscillator.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Micro-controller and USB assembly

The next assembly phase is completion of uC and USB connection unit.

In addition to components shown on the page 12 of the schematic diagram, install DC connector J1P, C28P, C27P, on-off switch SW1, and two ferrite beads FB3P and FB4P. Those components are located at the top right corner of G11 PCB.

Also, install R11U, L1U, L2U and FB1U thorough-hole components. Don't forget to install all 4 LED diodes which are located at the bottom left part of PCB: LD1U, LD1S, LD2U, and LD3U.

Your G11 is now ready for first power-up. Apply 13.5V DC and check voltage on the U3U [5V]

Here is the photo of completed assembly:

Next step: connecting the G11 to GSDR and firmware update.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Loading the .hex boot file into G11 micro controller

Bootloading is a fairly straight forward procedure.
No programming knowledge is required - as long as you follow the instructions outlined in this chapter.

To get the job done, you need the following:

1. PICKit2 or a similar programmer suitable for 18F4550 Microchip micro controller
2. a cable to connect PICKit2 and G11 board
3. the hex file

PICKit2 [or PICKit3 as well as number of clones] is available on eBay for around $20-$30 postage included. My preference is old and reliable PICKit2 but this unit is no longer in production so it is a bit hard to find. Again, any unit will do the job as long as it is suitable for G11 uc which is 18F4550.

The connecting cable is something you need to make yourself. One end of the cable will have a 7 pin header to match J5U on G11 board. On the other end it will have a 5 pin header to match the PICKit output connector. Only 5 pins will be interconnected so you need a length of 5 wire ribbon cable. Keep it reasonably short.

Wire as per photo. The white triangle on the PicKit is alignmnt mark for pin 1. Pin 6 is not connected.

Wiring order on the J5U side:

Pin 1 on the top is not connected, pins 2 and 3 are joined together, and the others are as per the photo.

The hex file itself was mailed to you at the time you've placed an order for G11 bare board. You may have overlooked that, so go and check your inbox. If you haven't got it, or can't find it, email me again with your callsign and paypal receipt.

Assuming that you have previously installed PICkit on your PC, you are now ready to go!

1. make sure that the G11 board is not connected to power.
2. connect the PICKit and G11 with the cable you've just made, then connect the programmer via USB cable to your PC.

3. run it!

4. if your uc is installed correctly, it will be recognized by programmer with 'device' showing PIC18F4550.

5. enable VDD by ticking the box next to ON. The 5.0V should be pre-set automatically.

6. try the connection by clicking on Blank Check. If the connection is working fine, you will see the message 'Device is Blank'.

If device is not blank, click on Erase then Blank Check again.

7. Go to "file" then "Import HEX file". Locate G11boot.hex, then Open.

8. Programmer screen will display "Hex file successfully imported" and you can see part of the code.

9. Click "Write". After few seconds you will see "Programming Successful" message.

10. The USB led on G11 board will be lit.

At this point you have successfully loaded G11 boot file.

NOTE: clicking on 'Verify' will result in error message. The verification process is not possible due to code lock. Ignore this warning.

You are now ready to proceed to the next phase of assembly: installation of USB components.

NOTE: if you are using other programmer than PICKit 2 or PICKit 3, here is the schematic diagram which explains how to connect the programmer.

Link to diagram.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Getting started: microcontroller unit

The fun starts with the assembly of the microcontroller unit, schematic diagram page 12.

The build itself is straight forward, all the designators are clearly marked on PCB and there is plenty of room to maneuver around.

Install U1U and components around it, as well as J5U, diodes and resistor as shown above.

NOTE: make sure to install ferite bead FB1U (not shown on the picture above)

Your uC is now ready for boot load.

If you really want to install just the essential components to get the uC ready for loading boot file then install only uC, crystal, C18 and C19, D1, D2, C20 and C10, Resistors R3U and R1U, connector J5U, LED diode LD2U and FB1U ferrite bead. You are now ready to move to next phase.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

G11 Schematic diagram and PCB layout

It goes without saying: the best time to check out schematic diagram is BEFORE you start parting with your hard earned cash and investing in components.

G11 schematic is very much straight forward affair.

Download it form here: G11 schematic diagram, pdf file.

The next step is to get familiar with the PCB layout. Here it is: PCB layout, pdf

The printed circuit board is double sided, red soldermask, gold plated, 220x200mm. You'll love it - easy to solder, and most importantly you will be proud of your workmanship.

Have fun!

Monday, July 20, 2015

G11 Gallery: Classic, multiband and monoband QRP transceivers

For your enjoyment: photos of a few GenesisRadio G11 units, assembled, ready to go on air!

M0HDF G11 classic 5 band unit

ZL2PO G11 multiband


JA1 ?? G11 multiband

N2BHA G11 classic 5 band unit, soon to be converted to multiband unit

WZ3HMT G11 classic 5 band unit

WB0QOA, DavidG11 multiband.

VK2DX G11 classic 5 band unit 30/20/15/12/10m. 84 DXCC worked.

Attention G11 owners: to have your G11 featured please email 600 px wide photo to nick[at]

Thank you!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sound card: ASUS Xonar Essence STX

The heart of G11 SDR Transceiver is without any doubt the sound card. The better the card, the better the performance. My choice of sound card is ASUS Xonar Essence STX, which comes as PCI-E x1.

STX is available online for under $200.

The installation is very much straight forward - just follow the included instructions.

The card comes with an adapter lead to convert two RCA outputs into 3.5mm stereo output. The input is LINE IN is 6.3mm socket.

After the installation set the STX as your default Windows sound device.

Open the Xonar Essence Audio Center and set parameters as shown below.

Make sure not to enable any sound effects!

Set the volume.

This is pretty much it. Your PC is now ready for installation of GSDR software.